Become a sponsor

Admit it already - you want our users to enjoy your own tips and content!

You know what? We love that! 🙌

That is why we offer sponsorship packages for our treasured business partners. This allows you to add you very personal discounts, awesome deals, special offers or loyalty bonuses to our app as well as info about your business of course!

What's in the box?

You can provide us with tips for events, specials or noteworthy info (e.g. your "Wednesday After Work Drink", a special VIP discount in your online shop, a sponsored listing for your bar, restaurant, museum or other venue etc.)

Your tip will be shown to our users and gain visibility and reach and drive traffic or leads to your business. Great, ain't it?

How much?

That depends on the package you chose - more info about packages and their features down below in our pricing section

Are there limitations for tips?

We take the liberty to reject certain types of listings (tips) depending on the content provided. We will notify you upfront and not charge you for rejected tips.

How does it work?

Depending on your chosen package, either you or our staff will add your content to our app. In case you have access to our business partner dashboard, you can simply add your tips directly online and send them for review and publication.

If your package does not include direct access, you will receive a special partner access email address from us where you can send your tips and content (e.g. images, discount codes etc.) and our team will put them online within roughly 24-48 hours flat.

Benefits of sponsoring on

First and foremost, our users are looking for engaging, interesting and attractive content - and what could me more attractive than learning about YOUR special venue or offers?

Our userbase is interested in always finding something new and the mechanics of our site have been designed with playfulness and fun in mind. This means that receiving new tips is like playing a game and getting a reward (the good thing - the reward comes each time 😉).

It is only natural to satisfy users' interest in cool locations, great food, formidable entertainment and great experiences with our and your content, so let's grow together!